Saturday, December 12, 2009

The Move from Print to Web Comics

Comics have always been a popular form of entertainment. They first started appearing in print newspapers as part of the entertainment section. Some of them have been very influential, such as Peanuts or Calvin & Hobbes. In our more recent times, however, comics in print are losing their popularity to webcomics.

Now, why would a comic be more liked simply because it's on the web rather than on a newspaper? Here are several reasons:

1. Accessibility: It's a lot easier (and free) to simply open up your favorite web-browser and visit as many webcomics as you want.

2. Availability: The usual paper has anywhere from 2 to 10 comics printed. On the internet, there's literally hundreds to choose from.

3. Censorship: Newspaper comics suffer from censorship rules; they must be kept socially safe and cannot contain cuss words. Webcomics suffer from none of these limitations.

4. Niches: Newspapers try to utilize comics with a more general perspective, as they have a very varied audience. On the internet, however, you can find many comics that deal specifically with a certain niche.

Here's two links to my favorite webcomics:

Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal

The Perry Bible Fellowship

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