Saturday, December 12, 2009

Pondering the Apathy-Sensibility Continuum

What do I mean by the Apathy-Sensibility Continuum?

On one extreme, you have total apathy: you do not care about anything that happens; it's all the same to you. On the other extreme, you have total sensibility: everything that happens feels directly related to you and you cannot stop yourself from caring about it.

When you're on the Apathy extreme, you're an aloof character who finds it hard to build up any emotion or motivation about anything. While this might seem like an unfavorable thing, it does comes with its benefits: it's also very hard to hurt you emotionally. As anyone who has lived for any amount of time knows, life can sometimes suck really bad. Thus, being apathetic can help prevent quite a lot of heartache.

When you're on the Sensibility extreme, you're a passionate and concerned person who feels deeply about all that happens around you. While this seems like a favorable thing, it has its drawbacks: you can be very easy to hurt emotionally. Like I said before, life can sometimes suck really bad, and being sensitive can cause you quite a lot of heartache.

To put it succinctly: Apathy makes you feel dead and secure; Sensibility makes you feel alive and vulnerable.

So, where's the best place to be? Well, I did term it the Apathy-Sensibility Continuum, so probably somewhere in the middle. Unfortunately, this is not something we can really choose.

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