Saturday, December 12, 2009

Oh No, My Parents have Facebook

There's a branch of Communication research that deals with self-image and self-presentation. A very prevalent theory in this field is that we humans have different images; and we choose which to present depending on the situation. A quick example would be the image we present to our parents as opposed to the one we present to our drinking buddies.

I find it interesting that this tendency spills into our use of social networking sites such as Facebook or MySpace. It was driven home to me most the day my parents sent me a friend request on my Facebook account. Before that, I had never really cared about what I put on my Facebook. But as soon as I accepted the friend request, I started scrutinizing my profile and pictures for anything that I wouldn't want my parents to see; tightening up my privacy settings accordingly.

This all just makes me think that while honesty may be good; it is the same as everything else: bad in excess.

1 comment:

  1. I will not let my parents join facebook. Is that bad? They aren't very computer literate to begin with, so I think it would just confuse them. My mom has asked me several times in reference to facebook...."how is it different than just emailing someone?"
    So I think it best for everyone if they stay away.
    Happy Holidays
